Patient Safety

Scoping Out the Best Care: TMA Defends Team-Based Care Model - 04/03/2023

As expected, scores of scope expansion attempts have again crept their way into the hundreds of bills TMA is tracking; it's an issue that affects all physicians and patients, regardless of specialty or geography.

Surgeries in Mexico Linked to Antibiotic-Resistant Infections - 01/15/2019

Several Americans have developed antibiotic-resistant infections after undergoing invasive medical procedures in Mexico, health officials warned recently.

Government Mandate to Doctors Could Harm Some Patients - 11/10/2016

The federal government currently requires physicians to perform a medical procedure on patients to help them, but the procedure can instead cause serious harm to some, so Texas physicians are fighting to get the government to rescind the directive. If the doctors don’t follow orders, they and the hospital where the care takes place risk a poor grade.